The Reichert 4 SPR system is a four channel surface plasmon resonance spectrometer for label-free measurement of macromolecular association and dissociation kinetics. SPR is suitable for a wide range of interactants including proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates, small drugs and synthetic polymers and nanoparticles.
The Reichert4SPR 4-Channel Surface Plasmon Resonance system allows users to accelerate and enhance the drug discovery process in the following ways:
-Easy set-up and streamlined workflow.
-Utmost sensitivity and maximum uptime.
-Robust fluid handling system to run demanding assays.
4 channel channel acquisition.
Autosampler holding up to 96 HPLC vials or two 96 or 384 well plates.
Controllable injection volume to conserve precious analytes.
Optional sampling cooling for extended assays.
Interaction temperature controllable between 10°C and 70°C.
Detection of small molecule analytes down to ~100 daltons.
Accessible range of binding affinities from 1 mM to 1 pM.
Immobilization Techniques:
Amine coupling to carboxylated planar monolayer or branched dextran sensor chips.
Thiol coupling using a native or introduced cysteine.
NeutrAvidin, streptavidin, or avidin capture of biotinylated molecules.
Nickel NTA capture of histidine-tagged molecules.
Protein A capture of antibodies.
Lipid monolayer formation on a hydrophobic surface.
Reichert provides an assortment of sensor chips to accommodate different immobilizations. Please see here for a complete list of available sensor chips.
Location: Cook Hall, 4167