The Azure 600 gel imaging system allows visualization, imaging and quantitative measurements of macromolecules in stained gels. It’s large size also makes it ideal for imaging test tubes, petri dishes, plates, etc.
- Chemiluminescent imaging
- Fluorescent Imaging
- Blue, Green, Red, and NIR epi-light sources (light from above)
- Trans-UV light source (light from below)
- White Light imaging
- True color imaging
- Trans- White light
- 9.1 MP camera for publication-ready images
- Multiple detection modalities in a single instrument – Can mix and match filters with different light
sources - Can auto-expose specific regions of image
- High functional dynamic range for simultaneous detection of low & high abundance targets
- No manual focusing regardless of gel size
- Use with a wide range of fluorescent probes
- Multiple targets can be probed on a single blot with up to three visible fluorescent channels
- Bands can be excised without leaving the imager
- DNA imaged with minimal damage
- Fluorescent blot reimaging over weeks
- High CCD sensitivity & speed improves target detection even when signals are faint or fading
Analysis Software: AzureSpot
Location: Cook Hall, 4106
NU Core ID: Azure 600